About Us
Americans are doers, creators, thinkers, and believers. And we believe our payment systems should work as hard as we do. Every payment system should be as technologically advanced as possible to protect our hard earned money. We believe that collaboration will drive positive change in the payments industry, and change begins with education around the complex world of payment systems. Because knowledge is power and power is confidence. The Merchant Advisory Group believes every American should be a confident, informed consumer. Every American should "Know Your Payments."
Get smart about your payments

EMV (aka “Chip Card”) technology is an improvement over magstripe cards, but it is not a silver bullet against fraud and does not prevent data breach.
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According to IBM Analytics, nearly half of all e-commerce traffic is done on
mobile. Mobile phones provide various ways to transact payments, including online and
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Fraud liability is often shared between both the merchant’s locations where the fraudulent payment occurred and with the banks, depending on the fraud situation.
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